Michael Johnson: Director, Global ISV Alliances, Microsoft


The Old Grad Story: 

Michael flew Blackhawks as an Aviator for eight years, before securing a Consulting role at Bearing Point through the SACC. Realizing that he wanted to pivot out of consulting and get closer to tech, Michael networked into a Business Development (BD) role at Infospace. From there, he joined Microsoft in a BD role, focused on Strategic Commercial Partnerships. Currently, Michael is the Global Partner Development Director for Microsoft’s Independent Software Vendor (ISV) team, focused on media, entertainment, and communications vendors.

Old Grad Knowledge:

If I were to pull a consistent thread through my career, it’s been a focus on partnership. It really started when I was back in the Army, serving my “customers” as an Aviator, but it’s been a central theme that I’ve maintained throughout my career.

Building a Career at Microsoft

·         Demonstrating a growth mindset and commitment to continuous learning are key to entering Microsoft and thriving within it. West Point and the Army provide us experiences to demonstrate both – use stories to illustrate these qualities!

·         Army Officers have experience running cross-functional programs with diverse stakeholders – Microsoft values those experiences and skill sets.

·         Getting into Microsoft is the hard part – once you get in, the mobility to different functions and products is high. There is tremendous opportunity to try new things and find assignments that you’re passionate about.

·         The most common ways for veterans to get in are 1) by getting an MBA, 2) through programs like Breakline, and 3) via the Microsoft Systems and Software Academy.

·         People often undervalue the potential of a tech sales career path, but recruiters are hungry for talented performers with a sales background.


Jason Crabtree: Co-founder and CEO, QOMPLX


Jason Schaaf: Global Sales Leader, Azure Defender for IOT, Microsoft